With all the electronics on the market today it was inevitable that there would be copies made and now the question is ORIGINAL OR COPY iPhone – WHAT DO I CHOOSE?
Most people would answer right away the original without even knowing why they would just respond on instinct. That type of response is very unfortunate as like everything else in this world the unknown is what drives our decisions and there are some high quality items for much less on the market but because they are not that well known they are being ignored. We will try and share some insight and knowledge that may help you make a more sound decision instead of a snap decision based on your miss informed or lack of information.
We will cover one of the most prominent Copies out there, the iPhone copy or I9 from china vs. the original iPhone to help you with any issues or questions you may be having.
Ok so let’s get right into it: THE I9 or iPhone copy – what are the obvious differences between the I9 and the Original iPhone? Visually there is nothing that shows the I9 is a copy, it is an exact replica right down to the weight of it in your hand, Ok so let’s get down to the inner workings of the phones and the next question – what can or should I say can’t the copy do compared to the original? Well let’s start with the apps. We all know the iPhone is three things all rolled into one, it’s a phone, iPod touch and has Wi-Fi for internet which turns it into a virtual net book, we also know the apple has a tone of cool apps that can be purchased for it and most of these apps can be used in our day to day life which turn the iPhone into a great mobile smart phone, to be honest you can almost eliminate your computer. So how does the iPhone Copy compare to this? Well the first thing we wanted to try on the copy were the apps, one would think that there is no way any of the apps would work on a copy, well great news the same apps you can get for the iPhone you can also get for the I9 Copy, these apps are known as jail broke apps and basically all that means is like an unlocked phone they have been unlocked to work with any smart java phone, which means if you have a I9 and see a app that you really think would be cool to have on your phone all you do is find the Jail broke app and install it, it’s that simple. Can the I9 be used as a media player? You bet it can, it can play music and video’s just like the iPhone and does so with the touch of the screen, now unfortunately you can’t just plug it into your computer and have your iTunes library sync with it, so how do you get music onto the unit? First you (copy) your music into a folder then you convert your music to MP3 format, once in MP3 format you simply put the music into your phones music folder, now it does sound like a pain but we can assure you it is rather easy. {My daughter does it in the same amount of time if not faster than it takes her with iTunes.} Ok now what about the Wi-Fi I mean the copy can’t come with that technology built into it right? Wrong there are copies that do come with Wi-Fi already built into them also, so the I9 can also be turned into a small net book just like the original.
Now I’m sure we have all heard that any copy from china is bad news, we have all heard the claims about how they say they are 8 -16 – 32 GB memories, but actually they are only 2GB and that’s all you get, OH and let’s not forget about the batteries that blow up in your face or pocket. Well as for the memory some of what we have heard is correct, however unlike the originals the memories on the copies can be increased to exactly what they claim, what you have to do as the consumer is make sure you ask for the bigger memory and don’t forget to check the memory card when it arrives ( Earlier post on how this is done “ memory upgrade”) so yeah you could end up with a small GB unit if you are not carful but you can fix that yourself if need be. Batteries exploding, this may have happened but I can tell you from experience that apple doesn’t go with out its fair share of issues.
Here is a true example: my daughter wanted an iPod touch for Christmas, and as any good parent tries to do we got her a iPod touch 8GB, she spent most of Christmas day reading the manual and putting music on it but the next day she comes running up stairs with her new toy in her hand all worried and asks me is it suppose to make that sound? I take the pod from her and HOLY CRAP the unit is extremely hot and making this crackling sound, you know the sound when something electrical is arcing and shorting out, well then there is on last POP and the unit is dead and smells like burnt plastic. Anyone will agree that for some reason the unit shorted out, anyway we take it back to the store we purchased it from and they replaced it no troubles. Daughter was all happy again and the replacement unit is working great and does so until 31 days after we got it, then it went into recovery mode but never recovered the darn thing had a stroke, now we have to send into the manufacturer and wait for it to be repaired/replaced. Now this may be an insulated incident but I wanted to share it with you so you can see for yourself that even the big guys have technical issue. Anyway in the mean time I gave my daughter an I9 and she has been using it and loving it ever since, she has not once asked about her iPod.
A great feature of the iPhone Copy is it’s duel sim capability, dual sim means that you can carry two different phone carriers with different sim card and different numbers both on one phone, this is extremely handy for the business person or anyone who uses a cell phone for business as well as personnel, instead of having two different phones you only carry one phone but have two numbers or two carriers all in one neat little package.
{Apps-YESMedia Player-YESWi-Fi-YESDuel Sim-NOTouch Screen-YES}
{Apps-YESMedia Player-YESWi-Fi-YESDuel Sim-YESTouch Screen-YES}
Now we are not saying buy the I9 over the real iPhone all we wanted to do here was give you the facts and Hopefully this information will make answering your question ORIGINAL OR COPY iPhone – WHAT DO I CHOOSE more of an educated decision and not one based on hear say or lack of information.
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